about fowg
The Friends of Wester Craiglockhart Hill and Greenbank Community Woodland (FOWG) was established in 2014 to care for the open space and woodland on and around Wester Craiglockhart Hill shown in the map below. Note that the boundary line is only approximate. We are a formally constituted Friends group made up of local residents and registered with the City of Edinburgh Council and the Craiglockhart Community Council. We collaborate with the Merchants of Edinburgh Golf Course who lease their land from the Council and with the Natural Heritage and Forestry department of the Council.
Our full constitution is available on request. We hold an Annual General Meeting which is open to all and will be notified on this website and other places. If you want to become a member, please send us an e-mail to the address at the bottom of each page. State your name, home address and e-mail address. Being a member doesn’t require anything of you apart from an interest in the woodland and hill and sharing the objectives of the group. You can participate as much or as little as you want.
our aims and responsibilities
The aims of FOWG are to work with partners to:
Preserve and enhance the biodiversity of the area
The group will fulfill the aims by:
Exploring and evaluating options to achieve the aims