recording and reporting wildlife you see in the local nature reserve
We want you to send us records of the animals, plants, fungi or any other type of flora and fauna that you see on the hill. There are two ways to do that. For a small amount of submissions, please send us an e-mail at the address on each page. If you think you will make a lot of sightings, you may prefer to download the pdf file linked below. When you have filled it in, please scan the file and send it back to us by e-mail.
Download PDFFor each record what we ideally want is:
- The date seen
- The species seen (common name is enough)
- Whereabouts you saw it in the LNR (see below)
- Your name or initials in case we need to get more details
- How you identified it (sight,book)
- Whether you have a photograph
- Anything else you want to tell us
We divide the LNR into rough areas as shown in the image below. It will be helpful if you can use these when you tell us roughly whereabouts you saw what you record.

If you are familiar with the OS grid system, you may prefer to use a detailed easting and northing reference. A 100m grid is shown in the map below.